Disclaimer: The presenters feel that these workshops generate extraordinary benefits for all attendees.
However, EFT is a very flexible process and thus the workshops represent the views of the presenter(s)
and do not necessarily reflect those of EFT, Gary Craig or Stefan Gonick, the owner of this web site.
Teleclass Information
Pre-requisite: 200 hours of comparable training from another institution
Imagine techniques so simple and so effective that you can learn another way to help your clients remove negative emotional issues and blocks that have interfered with their goals. The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are quick and powerful and blend extremely well with hypnosis. Experience the power and effectiveness of these easy to use tools to create immediate and permanent change. Day 1: Learn the basics in depth; Day 2: Apply EFT to weight, smoking, and stress. Manual included. Also available as home study.
Discover the 3 Keys to Finding Lasting Love
EFT never ceases to amaze me! The process is gentle and often provides benefits where other methods fail.

Dr. R. Vergini, MD